Mail Order Items
Art activities for your inner child and children
Healing through art packs ~ Working through grief with children and for adults at home, at your own pace and in your own time. Using imagination and play through the designed art therapy packs by Mahalo Mel.
The beautiful thing with this process is you don't need to be creative... at all! The magic of play and healing is within you and within this process of cutting out the images of your loved one, yourself, friends, family or pets. Sticking them on the provided stick stands, gluing on the fairy/angel wings, mermaid tails, etc., and adding the embellishments that are provided. Children and the child within you can easily be involved with this process of play, even if it has been decades since you have done it! It is all in there within you, waiting to come out and play. Take some time out, put some music on and think of it as going back to kindergarten or school. There is no right or wrong with what you create.
If you would like further information on me holding a session with you/others and a scene box, or you are interested in being mailed a scene box only, please use the form below and I will get back to you shortly.
Tinkerland: Escape and play with the fairy & Fae scene
Come and explore the mystical land of Fairies and Fae with this beautiful Tinkerland scene. Box scene, 4 sticks and stands, embellishments, glitter grass, 3 fairy & 1 angel wings provided.
All you need to start with are copies of photos/or photocopies of your loved one(s), yourself, friends and pets you may wish to join you in Tinkerland! If you have a laminator, this helps the images stay firm and protected, but it is not essential. These art therapy activities can be done by yourself, with a child, family or friends. Let the magic within begin!
All art scenes come with easy to understand instructions for any child and the child within to come out and play.
Mermaid Magic ~ You and me, under the sea
Get lost under the sea with this magical underwater world scene. Box scene, 4 sticks and stands, embellishments, sea weed, shells, glitter sand and 4 x glittery mermaid tails included.
All you need to start with are copies of photos/or photocopies of your loved one(s), yourself, friends and pets you may wish to join you under the sea! If you have a laminator, this helps the images stay firm and protected, but it is not essential. These art therapy activities can be done by yourself, with a child, family or friends. Let the magic within begin!
All art scenes come with easy to understand instructions for any child and the child within to come out and play.
Bipitty Bopitti BOO ~ You know what to do!
For the pagans out there this scene box will bring you much joy and inner warmth. A perfect way to regather around the cauldron sharing your stories and catching up. Box scene, 4 sticks and stands, embellishments, cauldron image, glitter grass and 4 x witches hat images provided.
All you need to start with are copies of photos/or photocopies of your loved one(s), yourself, friends and pets you may wish to join you around the cauldron! If you have a laminator, this helps the images stay firm and protected, but it is not essential. These art therapy activities can be done by yourself, with a child, family or friends. Let the magic within begin!
All art scenes come with easy to understand instructions for the child within to come out and play.
Lets go down to the woods one day!
Take a walk into mysterious woods with this gorgeous and mystical woodland scene. Re-gather your loved one(s), family, friends, pets and visiting wildlife together within this set scene. Box scene, sticks and stands, embellishments, woodland animals & tea set images, glitter grass, wood chair & mini bear provided.
All you need to start with are copies of photos/or photocopies of your loved one(s), yourself and anyone else you may wish to join you in the woods! If you have a laminator, this helps the images stay firm and protected, but it is not essential. These art therapy activities can be done by yourself, with a child, family or friends. Let the magic within begin! All art scenes come with easy to understand instructions for the child within to come out and play.